Monday, November 9, 2009

Me and Mr. Lee

I am so amused. The Captain got his first piece of artwork today from one of his study hall kids. Evidently the artist was buzzing around like a bee, spreading mayhem wherever he landed and after repeated warnings got thrown in the brig, aka. the captain's office. The prisoner requested pen and paper, standard issue, but the captain was not in a generous mood and denied the request. Somehow he managed to get ahold of the supplies he needed anyway, (Mentally adding him to my crew of disreputable scalawags) and fashioned a picture for his jailer. I thought the resemblance quite good really. The hair is about the right length and the beard is decent too. I think it says something about the artist that he drew his own head as shrunken. Inferiority complex perhaps?

1 comment:

  1. Hehe. So where does the title "The Captain" originate from?
