Sunday, November 29, 2009

Drama high

The dust has settled and the first day of tech week is over. It's currently 11:21 PM and I am working on coming down off my drama high. There is something unique about drama types. When members of a cast have not seen one another for a length of time there seems to be an inordinate- a word which here means enough energy to power a nuclear bomb, amount of well wishing and high volume story sharing when they reconvene. Such was the case tonight, and it was lovely. I got an enthusiastic sneak hug from Rose, an impromptu song from Duvid about his being 'surprisingly fit' and during intermission there was a spirited rendition of 'Love lifts us up where we belong' from Papa and Lushia. It was quite epic really.
Now I sit in the captain's leather chair with massive amounts of hairspray in my hair and my face feeling somewhat crunchy from the vigorous scrubbing it endured to get rid of stage makeup. I smile and think, "It doesn't get much better than this."

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