Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Job

I am entering my second week of work and settling into the groove of my shop. I still feel like there are heaps that I don't know but I know enough to get by fairly well. 

All days up to this one have been fine but today, gosh today. Today just was wrong from the get-go. No doubt it started on Sunday when I wore THE WRONG shoes to work. Whoever said Dansko's were miracle shoes was full of poop. After wearing my set for 6 hours and then traipsing around a mall for 2 more I was on the verge of hysterics when we arrived at home. When I peeled off my torturous clodhoppers I discovered that I had developed one blister on the small toe of my left foot and had started two more right where the shoes buckled. Just great. 

Because we are required to wear full on shoes to work, rather than the sandals my pained feet would much rather have run around in, those two sore spots were irritated throughout my shift yesterday and because I didn't want to rub the rather impressive pinky blister, I compensated by walking differently. Translation: I developed a weak-ass limp.

That brings us up to today where we find me running around at break neck speeds to fill orders with a limp and a mean blister. I now have another blister on the side of the foot I was overcompensating on. 

Here's what else contributed to my less than awesome day:

1. For the second day in a row our till doesn't open when we ring up the first customer. Or the second. Our boss is at the other shop and is not answering the phone. We deal. I give customer #1 a free drink card for having to wait. Not sure if I can technically do that, but whatever. 

2. I have developed sensitive patches on the fingers of my right hand, no doubt from wiping down the piping hot steam wands. This is inconvenient since I work with hot pots of milk all day long. 

3. I started making breakfast sandwiches yesterday. I was given a crash course on how to make 3 of the 6. It seemed ok at the time, but when a huge order came in all at once and 3 of the 4 were ones I didn't know how to make, I panicked. I knew what needed to go on them but not how long each of the elements needed to be nuked in the microwave. (I know. We're high tech.) So, because people were busy up front I made an educated guess. A few minutes later during a lull I asked my boss how the sandwiches were supposed to be made and she told me. She then pointed to a sheet 6 inches away from my face that had instructions on how to make each of the them from start to finish. "If you ever forget, you can use that." Fail. 

4. We all know what an affinity I have for jokes. Well, I got to telling some today with one of my co-workers who I consider to be pretty high on the "cool" scale. I had told him a few which he had laughed at but then was slightly dismayed when he ranked them on his pitty/cute scale. Sifting through my arsenal I tried to figure out what his joke style was, because as we know everyone differs. I finally figured it out and he in turn told me a joke which contained subject material that I was unsure about. Figuring that I could deduce what said material was by contextual clues I said that yes I knew what "(insert whatever it was here)" was. Bad gamble. Said material was something made up for this joke alone and wasn't related to anything that I could have remotely known. So what did I do? After laughing I looked confused and then enlightened saying, "Oh! I thought you said (....)"  Did he buy it? Well, he did lower his voice when he said it so maybe, but methinks maybe not. So I dwelt on THAT and how big of an idiot I was for the remainder of my shift. Happy thoughts....

So anyway, that's pretty much it. Not so bad I suppose, but they all just seemed to add up. I still left smiling because I really do like my job but it was just a less than stellar day. I look forward to my day off tomorrow. 

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