For any of you who have ever been into one of my kitchens, you know that I require counter space. It's not that I'm a counter hog or snob, I just need space. I believe that all kitchen types need space. It's very hard to create beautiful and tasty things when you have a 6x12" section of "counter top" to work on. Having said this, you can imagine my sight horror when, an hour after our arrival, our new friends Kate and Fred motioned to the dorm kitchen and casually said, "Yeah, your kitchen is about this size."
My heart skipped a beat as I looked at the closet of a kitchen. "Ah! Really?!" I said, before I could stop myself. "Yeah, I mean, it's about this size..." said Kate. I shot a look to Michael that said something to the effect of, "You wouldn't make me cook in a kitchen like that, would you?" or "If it's like this, we're moving." He smiled encouragingly as if to say, "It's okay honey, you can make it work." Yes, perhaps if I took a sledge hammer to that wall there...
Much to my delight, our kitchen was nothing like the closet. Here are some pictures of our apartment before we moved in.
Our door. Just in case you come looking for us.
The Kitchen. Look at all my counter space! It wraps all the way around! That being the case, we are going to get a few bar stools and not bother with getting a table.
Living room. You should see our view off the back balcony. It's lovely. We have these giant mango trees that block out the buildings we are surrounded by and makes it feel as if we are living in the wild jungle rather than the urban jungle.
Master bedroom. This doesn't show our closet on the right wall. It's nice and big, though it always amazes me how much clothing we own.
Spare oom. This also has a closet behind the door.
The bathroom. This bathroom doesn't make a lot of sense. The door frame is 25 inches wide and it doesn't have any plug-ins for a hairdryer, straightener, nightlight, whatever. I mention the door frame because this is also the room we have to fit our washer and dryer into, and if you know anything about washers and dryers 25 inches is not a standard size. The Captain and I went to Sears the other day to see what we could find and the load capacities on machines that fit through a 25 inch door space were laughable. Maybe I should just buy a washboard and do the laundry by hand...
Anyway, that is our new home! Other than the laundry room issue, and the fact that everything is eggshell white it's a great space. I am currently taking color suggestions for our walls so feel free to fire away! Aloha and Mahalo.
Wow! What lovely of counter top space. I can't wait to see what it looks like all furnished. I'm glad you have greenery around you and can see a bit of the ocean too! Happy Hawaii-ing.